XbUnit 1.0 @   SourceForge Logo


XbUnit is the Xbase++ port of the famous JUnit testing framework to write repeatable tests. It is an instance of the xUnit architecture for unit testing frameworks.

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Browse CVS repository.
Download XbUnit v1.06 source zip file.
See this small Viewlet about XbUnit Testing Framework GUI (165 sec.)

Summary of Changes

GUI Runner


Text Runner

Fixed Bugs (SourceForge Bug Tracker Ids)


Contents of the Release

README.html this file
XBUnit.ch #define constants for XBUnit
XBUnit.arc Resource definitions for XBUnit
*.ico icons for testsuite treeview
XBUnit.xpj Project file to build XbUnit framework and extensions (XBUnit.DLL, XBUnitPM.DLL)
XBUTest.xpj Project file to build test cases for XbUnit itself (TestSuite.DLL, XBUTest.EXE and XBU_GrTest.EXE)
framework\ subdir for source codes of the XbUnit framework
runner\ subdir for source codes of the base runner
textui\ subdir for source code of the text based (console) runner
pmui\ subdir for source code of the gui based runner
extensions\ subdir for source codes of the XbUnit extensions
tests\ subdir for source codes of test cases for the XbUnit itself
samples\ subdir for source codes of some simple test samples


Below are the installation steps for installing XbUnit:
  1. unzip the xbunit.zip file
  2. build xbunit framework and runners. Type: pbuild xbunit
  3. copy xbuint.dll, xbunit.lib, xbuintPM.dll, xbunitPM.lib to Alaska\xppw32\lib subdir
  4. build xbunit selftest cases (both text and gui based). Type: pbuild xbutest
  5. test the installation using TestRunner tool to run the tests that come with this release. All the tests should pass OK.

Getting Started

To get started with unit testing and XBUnit read the Java Report article: Test Infected - Programmers Love Writing Tests.

You find additional sample in the samples subdir (SimpleTest.prg) and in the tests subdir (XBUnit self test cases).


There is no documentation (yet), please read the original JUnit docs.

Extending XbUnit

Examples of possible XbUnit extensions (similar to JUnit) can be found in the extensions subdir: